Over 100 Students benefit from GBTI’s Annual Back-to-School Program | GBTI
Over 100 Primary and Nursery school students from the Crabwood Creek and Moleson Creek areas in Berbice were outfitted with back-to-school gears for the new school term on Saturday August 23, 2019 at the Crabwood Creek Community Centre popularly referred to as “ballfield”. GBTI Corriverton Branch partnered with FACT (Family Awareness Consciousness Togetherness — Community Developers) to distribute school uniforms, stationery, back-packs and lunch bags to the lesser privileged children in these areas.
Manager of the GBTI Corriverton Branch, Mr. Andre’ Yhap said that this is the second year for the back-to-back program and that the Bank is happy to support the attendance and tooling of the school children in the communities they serve. He noted that this is a reciprocation of the support accorded to the Bank over the years by the community. The inaugural distribution program was held last year at the Scottsburg Community Centre Ground in Corriverton where the Bank provided uniforms and stationery to approximately 76 students. This year the Bank touched 42 students each receiving uniforms, stationery and bags uniforms and another 36 students received stationery items.
Some 90 children in the audience also partook in the Bank’s Early Savers Lottery game where 10 lucky winners were received a GBTI Early Savers Gift Voucher valued at $2,000 (Two thousand dollars).
Filed Under: Press
Originally published at https://gbtiblog.com on August 29, 2019.